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Countess Alexandra's words

Fly With The Swan In The Sky-by Countess Alexandra

  Countess Alexandrs given a lecture to H.C.International Kindergarten College students in May 2018,Nordfyn College.


  July 2,2021,Mr.Benny Nybo,the co-founder of the Hans Christian Andersen Teacher’s Award-ATA,has been entrusted by ATA founder Mr.Dong Ruixiang,visited Countess Alexandra and invited her to become the Protector of the ATA.Countess Alexandra agreed to the request and wrote a blessing on Mr.Benny Nybo's famous picture:Fly With The Swan In The Sky.


  H.C.Andersen wrote in his Eventyr-The Swan's Nest:"centuries will pass by,swans will fly forth from the nest,men will see them and hear them in the world.”

  The Denmark national bird now is the hope of peaceful world.

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