ATA AWARD CELEBRATION-HCA HUS Thursday 12.12.24 11a.m.

A warm welcome to the Andersen Teacher's Award–to you ATA winners from China and Denmark,and to all of you who have traveled the long way from China to Odense.A warm welcome to you too.
A special welcome must go to Mr.Dong Ruixiang,who for many years tirelessly has fought for his vision of getting kindergarten teachers and school teachers from China to Denmark to learn about the Danish values and not least to learn about our Danish world-famous poet H.C.Andersen,his life and the wisdom of his fairy tales.
Dong has worked closely with Nordfyns Folkehøjskole,in particular with former headmaster Mogens Godballe,who is also a member of the ATA committee.
And a big thank you must go to director Henrik Harnow from Museum Odense,who has extremely hospitably made it possible so that we can hold this award ceremony here in the Memorial Hall in the old part of H.C.Andersen's House.
The house was partially demolished a few years ago,and built new with a completely different concept for more than DKK 50 million US dollars designed by Japanese star architect Kengo Kuma.
Several ATA winners from China could not come this time due to visa and other problems.But they are so warmly welcomed in Odense another time.
Nor should it prevent us from having a wonderful experience here in the Memory Hall,where we will hand out diplomas to the ATA winners and celebrate with a glass of champagne,which H.C.Andersens Hus so hospitable has poured into the glasses.
And now I will ask the 6 ATA winners and Henrik Harnow to come up here and stand in a nice row.
And then we will start the award ceremony.
Now you will hear:
Recipients of the Hans Christian Andersen Award,China receive this award because the result of their work is carried out in the spirit of the poet and fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen in terms of creativity,passion and dedication,which for the poet were important clues throughout his whole life.
Figuratively speaking,he went from being born in a duck yard as The Ugly Duckling,but it doesn't matter if you have been lying in a swan egg and over the years became the lovely chalk-white swan himself.
From the very beginning,his work has been for the joy and benefit of children and adults,indeed for all people all over the world.
Dear ATA-winners,as co-founder of ATA,and on behalf of the ATA committee,I congratulate you for your“creativity,passion and dedication”in your daily work in your schools and kindergartens and for the inspiration and wisdom you have found in Andersens life and fairy tales,which you have shared with your children.
I hope you will continue to help the children to grow up in a safe and happy childhood and in this way help the brotherhood of mankind by bringing hope and peace to this unbalanced world,a world that need less war and more love and more understanding between people from different cultures.
Andersen travelled more than 9 years of his life,mostly in Europe,and it is said that a traveller is not the same person after a journey.I hope all the impressions that you ATA winners from China and Denmark get from this journey,will bring more understanding between our two nations.
Maybe tomorrow morning or even tonight,maybe you look in your mirror and if you see a white swan,
you know that something,some magical has happened.Smile to your swan,and do it for the rest of your life.
We often think of Andersen as the children's poet,the adventurers are for children,many would say,but no,the fairy tales contain so many nuggets of gold,so much wisdom that you can become wiser by reading them throughout your life.
Reading aloud to children is important,whether it is kindergarten teachers or school teachers reading aloud.
But there is another group of adults who are important,and it's the parents.They have a great responsibility for telling fairy tales and other vital stories to their children.
So let's think for a moment about Andersen's father and mother–Anne Marie and Hans.In honor of them,the ATA committee hereby presents a diploma and a gift to HCA Museum director Henrik Harnow.Congratulations.
And let's congratulate each other with a glass of champagne.
Cheers and congratulations!